Lessard Callingwood Veterinary Hospital 780-481-5678

Behavioural Counselling

We help pet parents establish healthy behaviours in their pets to strengthen their connection.

Behavioural Counselling

We help pet parents establish healthy behaviours in their pets to strengthen their connection.

The first time you meet your loyal companion you imagine just how much they will improve your life. Many pet parents feel disappointed when their loyal companion is a bit more naughty than other pets. With behavioural counselling, those happy moments you imagined with your pet can become a reality.

What are signs that my pet needs behavioural counselling?

If you are worried about your pet’s behaviour you should always speak to your veterinarian. You should take into account whether your pet’s behaviour can result in harm for themselves, other pets or humans. Here are some signs that your pet needs behavioural counselling:

  • Hiding, pacing or licking themselves excessively
  • Soiling the house or destroying furniture
  • Growling, biting or hissing at other pets or people

Do not wait for these signs to resolve on their own as they could be indicative of an underlying health problem. To learn more about how your pet can benefit from behavioural counselling please call us at 780-481-5678.

What can trigger my pet to misbehave?

The best way to determine the cause of your pet’s misbehaviour is to have them examined by a veterinarian. As previously mentioned, your pet’s behaviour may be caused by a medical condition, which is why we strongly recommend having a consultation. Your pet may be acting out due to loneliness, being bothered by other pets in their surroundings or changes in their environment such as moving their litter box.

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