Lessard Callingwood Veterinary Hospital 780-481-5678


Deworming is a routine treatment to get rid of harmful parasites.


Deworming is a routine treatment to get rid of harmful parasites.

Parasitic worms are nothing like earthworms, they are extremely dangerous for your pet. In many cases infected cats and dogs can become malnourished, dehydrated or even develop anemia. When cats and dogs have internal parasites they can suffer from organ damage that is irreversible. Infection is even worse if you have a puppy or kitten as it can lead to death if not treated.

How do pets get worms?

It’s quite easy for your loyal companion to become infected with worms, you should always be mindful of what they eat and the places they visit. Here are the different ways in which your pet can catch worms:

  • From their mother
  • Eating fleas - fleas can carry tapeworms
  • Digging or playing in grass or dirt and eating worm eggs
  • Hunting infected prey which can sometimes carry worms

How can I tell if my pet has worms?

It can take a while for your pet to show signs when they are infected with worms, however when the signs finally appear here’s what they may look like:

  1. Vomiting
  2. Abdominal pain
  3. Bloated stomach
  4. Sudden weight loss
  5. Diarrhea
  6. Loss of appetite

What is the best way to protect my pet from worms?

Ensuring that your loyal companion is dewormed regularly is the best way to protect them from worms. Deworming is not just a one-off, your pet should have a monthly parasite preventive. Deworming medication can be administered through oral preventatives or injections. For guaranteed protection it is important that your pet doesn’t have any late or missed doses which can make them vulnerable. Your veterinarian can adequately suggest preventatives that can protect your loyal companion from external and internal parasites. To discuss deworming and other parasite prevention, please reach out to us at 780-481-5678.

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