Lessard Callingwood Veterinary Hospital 780-481-5678

Nutrition Counselling

Working with a qualified veterinarian to create a healthy eating or dieting routine for your pet.

Nutrition Counselling

Working with a qualified veterinarian to create a healthy eating or dieting routine for your pet.

The nourishment your pet gets from the food they eat plays a major role in their growth and development. It’s always a smart choice to include a veterinarian when planning your pet’s diet. At a nutrition counselling session your veterinarian can create a customized diet that is based on your pet’s weight, breed, age and lifestyle. A healthy and balanced diet can lead to an overall longer lifespan for your loyal companion.

What happens during nutrition counselling?

During this appointment your veterinarian will discuss the nutritional needs of your growing pet. What you feed your loyal companion should not be based solely on their preference or taste but more importantly what they need to stay healthy. The phrase “food is medicine” rings true for animals as well. Many health conditions like allergies, diabetes, skin and coat issues, obesity and even bone disorders can benefit from a tailored diet. With nutrition counselling our veterinarians teach you how to read nutrition labels and how to establish good eating habits in your pet. These visits ensure that you and the veterinarian are on the same page when it comes to feeding schedules, portion sizes and food supplements.

What foods should I avoid feeding my pet?

It can be hard to resist the soft pleading eyes of your cat or dog when you’re eating something delicious, but sometimes human foods are unsafe for them. Looking out for the health and safety of your cat or dog means that a few times you’ll have to say no. Here are some ingredients that are toxic for your pet:

  • Chocolate
  • Sugar free candy/ gum etc.
  • Alcohol
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Grapes/raisins
  • Garlic and onions

Other household items such as garden products and pesticides, human medications and even plants (lilies, azaleas and tulips) are poisonous for your pet. Be sure to store them carefully and out of the reach of your pet. If you believe your pet has consumed any of the above you should seek medical attention immediately. Please call us at 780-481-5678 to get help.

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